TELUS Health provides a wide range of resources to help employees feel confident and in control of their finances.
Through TELUS Health’s EAP, employees can connect with expert financial counselors who provide free financial consultations around:
Budgeting and money management
Managing credit card debt
Rebuilding credit
Exploring financial emergency options
Navigating student loan difficulties
Handling foreclosure and housing issues
Weighing buying vs. renting
Understanding bankruptcy implications
Recovering from identity theft
Here are some of the fantastic tools and guides available as well:
Working with a Financial Planner, Investing Basics: When to invest, Financial Wellbeing Toolkit, Projecting Your Budget in Retirement, Financial Assessment, Taking Charge of Your Money, Money and Your Mind: Taking care of your finances and mental health, Ways to Stretch Your Money, Ten Steps to Help Ease Financial Stress During Difficult Times, Tips and Apps to Protect Your Personal Information from Being Hacked, Financial Resource Listing